The text "Snooping Bosses" raises the question whether you want your boss, or even the authorities, to be able to surveillance your actions. It might be which websites you visit online, who you talk to on the phone or even what you do on in your own private home. My opinion is that when you're at work your boss should be allowed to see what you're up to. If you are doing your job right it should not be a problem! But when it comes to what you do when you're not at work I think the bosses should mind their own business as long as you don't intentionally do anything to sabotage the company's reputation.
When it comes to the question whether the authorities should be able to monitor what people do and say, I think that it should be allowed. My opinion is that our country would be a lot safer if it was completely allowed. You should be able to track down criminals much faster than you can today and additionally it would be fewer innocent people that got convicted. Sure, someone might hear what you're talking about when you are on the phone with your mum or boyfriend, but at the same time I don't think anyone is really interested in listening in on that kind of conversations. Besides, if surveillance leads to a little less privacy but can prevent a majority of crimes to be executed, I would be happy to have someone listening in on my calls or even watch me in my home.
I understand why you're willing to let the authorities monitor what you do at home to protect you against criminals and to enable other crimes. Myself, I would not be comfortable with that, I think that monitoring the streets, shopping malls and other public places is good. But when I go through the door to my house I want my privacy. I think that I'm responsible for what's happening inside my house, just like other people is responsible for their actions. Maybe I feel this way because i like to think that all humans are good until they show me the opposite. I would not feel good about myself if I was distrusting and suspicous against all people I meet. And because my privacy is important too me i would feel unconfortable with authorites monitoring my private space.
SvaraRadera/ Johanna
SvaraRaderaI agree with you regarding surveillance at work and I have nothing against surveillance cameras in the cities to prevent crimes. However, I draw the line of surveillance in my own home. :-)
See you in class,
I can agree with you about the surveillance in the work place, if you have nothing to hide why worry.
SvaraRaderaAlthough i don't belive that the goverment should be allowed to spy on everyone for no reason. I belive that the system the govement work by today, listen in to people they suspect of crime, is better and more efficient than spying on everyone. The positive thing if the govement was spying on everyone it would give a lot of people work ;-)